"No matter the circumstances that surround my life these 3 things I know...God is Good, God is Able, and He Loves Me."
--When God Says No
"If you want to build a foundation that when the storms come your house still stands, then you need to hear and do God's word. He can't just be your Savior, He must be your Lord!"
--Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Francine and Wade Ivey were married for almost 27 years. They had 3 beautiful children, a powerful ministry and successful business but on January 8th, 2017 their life would be changed forever!
Wade had just run to the store to get a few things as Francine finished a conference call for her job. They had planned that evening to sit down with a cup of coffee and discuss the upcoming week, as they did quite often, but Wade was tragically killed in a car accident while leaving the store.
The next few days were a blur as this family tried to comprehend what just happened. Struggling with their faith that God could do anything and that God could surely bring their husband and dad home, they prayed and pleaded to God...only to hear God say "No...not this time. "
Then with great courage and determination Francine and her children took on the daunting task to plan a service that would celebrate and honor one of the most loving and influential ministers of this generation! This was not going to be a normal funeral service. There would be worship, their would be laughter, and it would take 4 preachers and 5 singers to present the magnitude of the impact of this one life! Over 1200 people were estimated in attendance coming from all over the world! Francine would choose to stand up during her own husband's funeral and present the gospel. She would call out the church to wake up and restore their passion once again!
That following Monday Francine would step into Wade's studio and record her first Facebook LIVE Daily Devo just like her husband had done for months before. She had no idea what the response would be. She just shared her heart with tears and a real genuine and raw honesty. Over 34,000 people watched that one LIVE Facebook presentation! With God's help she would continue sharing each weekday morning at 7:30 am and thousands of people continued to watched and still do to this day! This was the beginning of CONSUMED BY THE CALL MINISTRIES!
It is the mission of Consumed By The Call Ministries to inspire, encourage, and ignite a new fire in the church again, to bring those far from God back into a passionate walk with Him, and to show the world that Jesus is real and has a purpose and plan for each life. If we choose...we can live beyond the tragedy's of this life, withstand the storms that come at us and conquer the giants that are out to defeat us! We can live beyond this world and we can find purpose even when life doesn't make sense!